Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Let's try this again

Ok, now that I'm back into knitting, I'd love to have a space to show off some of my work without loading down my family or personal blog. Sure, this is personal, but not everyone wants to read about my knitting.

I am really excited. This summer I decided that it was time to take up knitting again. I've completed a few projects and I'm ready to start working on some other UFOs.

The first thing - and what got me back into having fun with knitting - is this beauty (above). This is called Coachella and is available for free from Knitty. I was knitting it to wear on our 7th anniversary, but it didn't get finished b/c I had to frog it up all the way to above the join. The short row shaping is NOT necessary with the Phoenix Bamboo yarn. It has plenty of give, even if you are well endowed. I'm glad I ripped it out b/c now I'm actually really pleased with it. This was a fun, easy top for me to get back into knitting with. I did need to make some changes, but luckily I found a good review on Ravelry prior to making it. Someone else used this yarn and made some changes that I followed. Find my list of changes here. Now to just lose some weight to get rid of the pudge. I'm working on that now.

The next thing I worked on was the newsboy cap from Stitch n' Bitch Nation using Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride. I made this for a craft swap on a forum I frequent. The recipient says she likes it. I love it, but the color wouldn't be good for me. Dark green just isn't my color apparently.

I'll make another post of the sweater I made for my son. He hates it apparently since when I tried to get him to try it on he threw a royal fit (remind me why we keep 2 year olds around again?). Alas, no pictures. I ended up adapting it too, but I'll talk about that once I can convince him to let momma take some pictures.

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